I want these suckers... The Crooks & Castles suit was tailored for LA Lakers scumbag Lamar Odom whom I can't stand with a passion.. But, the suit and gear is BONKERS. Burberry kills it as usual and Gourmet is on some next level shit. I need a new timepiece so hook me up... LOL, I'm posting all MY designs at www.rvsodsgn.blogspot.com/ so go peep from time to time.. Paz..
For 2010 I'm starting a new design entity called RVSO DSGN™. Check the new site and let me know what you think of the new direction for the new year and new decade.
I'm a graphic designer based out of Arizona who owns and operates RVSO DSGN™, a creative service that specializes in typography, corporate identity and graphics for web and print. See my work at the listed websites.